
Get Involved

Welcome! LibreOffice is developed by a friendly community, made up of hundreds of contributors around the world. It’s free and open source software, so anyone can study how it works and add improvements. Join us today and help us make it even better!

Before starting to contribute, it is recommended to schedule an orienting interview with TDF mentor Ilmari Lauhakangas.

Already a contributor? Join TDF!

Note that members can submit a grant request to fund their project.

Bite-size tasks

Got a spare ten or twenty minutes, and want to give us a hand? Check out these quick tasks:

Still unsure? Answer a few questions to find out what you can do for LibreOffice.

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Coding – New features – Bugfixes

  • Click here to get the code, talk to developers, and start working on Easy Hacks


Guidebooks – Online help – FAQs


Services – Tools – Hardware

LibreOffice’s infrastructure - such as the website - is used by millions of people every year. Join our community and get experience with large-scale infra!


User interface – User experience - Branding

Translations and localization

100+ languages – And more to come

  • Click here to learn about our tools and native language communities

Quality assurance

Bugfixing – Triaging – Bibisecting

  1. Sign up to Bugzilla, our bug-tracking tool
  2. Install the latest version of LibreOffice
  3. Start confirming or re-testing bug reports
  4. Join #libreoffice-qa on Libera Chat if you need help


Spreading the word – Attending events – Creating materials

  1. Join our mailing list (send a blank message and follow the instructions)
  2. Introduce yourself (where you’re based and how you’d like to help)
  3. A member of the team will give you some ideas for things to work on